Assumption of Inherit Risks and Release of Responsibility

In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the Event and any related activities including my potential attendance at a location to (i) pick-up products related to the Event or (ii) participate in the Event (each location a “Venue”), I on behalf of myself, my successors, heirs, assigns, and anyone else who may make any claim for or on my behalf, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally acknowledge and agree:

  1. Abide By Rules of Organizers and Intended Use of Products. To abide by the rules, regulations and direction of CXP and its subsidiaries, representatives and those affiliated with the facilitation, conducting or hosting of the Event and/or the provision of the Activities, whether at the Venue or otherwise, (hereby known as the Organizers) and to use the Venue and any and all products in a manner consistent with its intended use and application;

  2. Release of Released Parties. To hold harmless from any and all claims arising from or in connection with the Activities and Venue, the Organizers and, without limitation, each of their officers, officials, directors, agents, employees and volunteers, as well as the other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, Venue lessee/owner/lessor and each of their employees (collectively the Released Parties);

  3. No-Refunds . That I received full and complete information about the Activities and/or Venue; and I understand no refunds will be granted if the Released Parties modify, postpone or cancel the Activities due to weather conditions, acts of God, public health emergencies, or other factors beyond their control that may affect the Venue, safety and/or health of the participants of the Event;

  4. Acceptance of Inherent Risks and Voluntary Participation . That I recognize the existing risks inherent with my use of products and participation in the Activities, I warrant that I am the best and only judge of my ability to participate in these Activities or attend at a Venue and am fully aware of the additional risks involved in my participation and assume such risks on my own free will. I am voluntarily participating for my own enjoyment;

  5. Safety Measures . That I received instructions and been informed of the safety measures and implications of participating in the Activities and my attendance at any Venue, including various risks, dangers and hazards of accidents and bodily harm that could result from my participation and attendance at any Venue.

  6. COVID-19 . I hereby acknowledge and agree that I take on all risks associated with my attendance at a Venue and covenant to abide by all health and safety requirements of the Facility, including among other things, social distancing requirements. I hereby covenant that I will not attend a Venue if I:

    1. exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19 including but not limited to fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose etc…;

    2. have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days;

    3. have been in contact with someone in the last 14 days whom I am aware or ought to be aware being investigated or confirmed to be a case of COVID-19; or

    4. have been in close contact with someone who is will with a cough and/or fever;

  7. No-Insurance or Reimbursement for Damages. That I understand the Released Parties do not provide any insurance, either life, medical or liability, for any illness, accident, injury, loss, or damage that may arise in connection with my participation in the Activities and attendance at a Venue. I assume all expenses related to any type of damage (personal or property), loss, death, illness or injury, medical expenses and/or emergency resulting from my participation in the Activities or attendance at a Venue;;

  8. Assumption of Known and Unknown Risks. That I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the Released Parties or others and assume full responsibility for my participation. The Released Parties accept no responsibility for such Activities’ related risks;

  9. Consent to Administration of Medical Treatment. That I consent to the administration of first aid or other medical treatment in the event of injury or illness and hereby release and indemnify the Released Parties from any and all claims arising from such treatment;; ;

  10. FULL Release of CXP and Released Parties . That I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, specifically hereby fully and forever release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties of and from any and all causes of action, lawsuits, losses, damages, injuries (including personal and bodily injuries, death and injury to property) howsoever caused (whether by the negligence or otherwise, foreseeable or not), claims, demands, sums, costs, expenses (including legal fees and disbursements), and any other liability of any kind, of or to me or any other person, directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with the Activities, including, without limitation, my participation in the Activities and/or attendance at a Venue.; ;

  11. Promise Not To Sue. That I agree not to initiate any lawsuit, court action or other legal proceeding against the Released Parties, nor join or assist in the prosecution of any claim for money damages, which anyone may have, on account of loss, damage, or injury sustained by me or others in connection with my participation in the Activities and/or attendance at a Venue; ;

  12. Indemnity. That I shall hold harmless, indemnify and reimburse the Released Parties from and for any sums, costs, or expenses (including legal fees and disbursements) incurred or suffered by any of the Released Parties or paid by them to any person (including me or my insurers) in connection with any accident, loss, damage, injuries, illness, howsoever occurring, whether by negligence or otherwise (including death), claims, demands, lawsuits, expenses, and any other liability of any kind, sustained by me or others in connection with my participation in the Activities and/or attendance at a Venue. This means that I will reimburse the Released Parties if anyone makes a claim against them based on damages or injuries I suffer in connection with the Activities and/or Venue. ;

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